AV equipment and design for higher education settings
You may be experienced at specifying and equipping audio-visual equipment for classrooms; or maybe you’re one of many people who suddenly find themselves tasked with a challenging and unfamiliar project. Either way, having the support of a skilled, experienced AV and property technology specialist is the key to success.
If you’re like many people we’ve helped with academic and commercial learning spaces, you’re probably trying to figure out what’s needed and how to manage the process. Above all, you’re trying to make sense of the wide range of available audio-visual equipment - and then there are all the other aspects of the project…

Making classroom AV installation simple, straightforward and functional
Not only can we make your AV installation straightforward, we can handle many other aspects of building technology associated with the project. You get more peace of mind from a reliable one-stop solution provider.
As our other clients in academia, healthcare and business know, we help with all aspects of AV integration, sourcing and installation.
The spaces we can equip with AV include the following:
School classrooms
Hospital training facilities
Corporate training rooms
Specialised usability labs (like the ones we equipped at Salford’s Media City)

A service backed by reliability, performance, and customer care
Schools and higher education centres facing similar challenges to you value our versatility. It comes from long experience working directly for organisations within the sector, as well as for organisations working through procurement consortia.
Sometimes, the audio-visual integration even gives the work ‘specialist’ status so it falls outside framework agreements.
No problem: we’re up to the challenge and we can prove it.

Saving time and money. Ensuring your absolute peace of mind.
As ever, the main benefits from using us come down to saving time and money through our experience. In addition to this, you get the peace of mind that comes with reliable personal service, fast response times, and support early on with your education-based projects.
Such was the case when a charity provided a classroom for a major UK hospital.
Normal installation channels would have taken weeks. Both parties were delighted when we could do next-day installation!
Why not find out more about how we can install live streaming equipment?

Enjoy a personal service from first enquiry to the completion of your classroom. Please speak to us as early as possible about your next project. Contact Design AV Europe on:
Tel: 01242 861156
Email: info@designaveurope.com