Audio-visual solutions for conference centres
What’s preoccupying you as you search for conference centre AV services and the property technology capability that goes with them? Maybe it’s events such as annual political conferences or shareholder meetings. However, when we think ‘conference AV’ we take a wider view. As well as high-profile events such as the above, functions such as weddings, industry awards and fashion shows demand similarly versatile, multi-purpose spaces – and thoughtful planning.

We do more than just provide a conference centre AV service
We’re more than just another AV solutions provider. In fact, we offer a one-stop service for a wide range of conference centre needs. Because of this, we’ll make sure your centre is integrated as fully as possible with your other building technology.
As you know, long-term success (and saleability) of conference spaces reflects careful planning for effective use:
Making them easy to use.
Ensuring flexible shape, area and capacity (often by making the most of moveable partitioning).
Thinking through future use when designing the facility, audio-visual equipment and control systems.
Designing for spaces’ long-term future ‘saleability’.

Intelligent output at the earliest stages of your project
Over the years, we’ve installed AV and other property technologies in dozens of conference centres. Because of this, and our experience with live events and so many different venues, we know how important it is to plan intelligently at the earliest possible stage. Whatever your project, doing so helps maximise long-term usability, ‘saleability’ and profitability of multi-use spaces. It also helps minimise the cost of the required technology installation.
Infrastructure is the key. Leaving AV integration until later often causes unnecessary compromises. It can also mean sub-optimal location and connection of screens, controls, loudspeakers and other hardware. As well as reducing the space’s versatility and spoiling users’ experience, this can mean unnecessarily high outlay on equipment.
We must emphasise the importance of infrastructure here. It really is another key to getting maximum cost-effectiveness, performance and reliability from your conference centre for as long as possible.

Years of experience with conference AV, general building, and events
If there’s one thing we bring to designing and installing integrated AV for conference centres, it’s experience and demonstrable flair for optimal space planning.
There’s also our ability to combine knowledge of building and interior refurbishment with AV expertise for optimal first-time AV solutions.
You can also come to us for efficient lecture theatre systems.

The secret to success is contacting us as early as possible. We'll tailor our product workshops and proofs of concept to your proposals. Get in touch with Design AV Europe on:
Tel: 01242 861156
Email: info@designaveurope.com