AV for auditoriums
You’ve been tasked with equipping a new auditorium. Suddenly, as well as your other activities, you’re responsible for equipping a very specialised space. A space with raked seating, expectations of stunning acoustics, and strict safety, access and environmental requirements. Maybe you even need to integrate the new facility with other new or existing technology? Fortunately, we can help.

The key to making - or breaking - your audience experience
Auditoriums aren’t just ‘large rooms for events’; they’re very specific spaces. An auditorium is a part of a building used for gatherings such as speeches and stage performances; a room where the quality of design, construction and AV installation can make or break future audience experiences... and your profitability.
You face a huge challenge: executed well, the finished space will work well for decades and contribute to successful events. Get it wrong, however, and the consequences for the building’s success (as well as your reputation and profitability) don’t bear thinking about.
That’s where our proven skills and experience with AV (and a whole range of related technology) really come into their own.

Involve your auditorium specialist at the earliest possible stage
The best advice we can offer, given the specialised design of auditoriums and your desire to minimise cost and deliver the best possible long-term results, is to involve a specialist as early as possible.
Experience shows that this is essential to avoid mistakes with the structure; mistakes that can later create (at best) expensive-to-overcome or (at worst) insurmountable problems.
As so many of our clients know, this is where we help.
Firstly, because we’ve successfully worked on dozens of auditoriums over the years; secondly, because we specialise in tailored bespoke AV products.

Our key differentiator? Our wealth of experience with auditoriums!
If we had to highlight one differentiator for our auditorium work, it would be our depth of experience, all of which is backed up by our clients’ glowing testimonials.
With so many variables involved in auditorium design and construction, clients value our special blend of AV integration, auditorium-building knowledge, understanding of live events, and appreciation of audience expectations.
And the fact that we’re not just an AV business.
You see, we regularly handle many other aspects of property technology too, including podcasting and live streaming tech.

Speak to Design AV Europe about your project as early as possible. Witness our capability with auditorium audio-visual installations first-hand, then decide whether we’d make a good partner.
Tel: 01242 861156
Email: info@designaveurope.com